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Alex Thompson

Candidate Assessment

  • Relevant Technologies and Years of Experience:
    • Front-End Development: 6 years of experience with Angular, Vue.js, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Sass
    • Back-End Development: 5 years of experience with Express.js, Django, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), RESTful API, GraphQL
    • Other Technologies: Docker (3 years), Kubernetes (2 years), AWS (3 years), Webpack (4 years), Git (5 years)
  • Compensation Expectation: Not specified (additional research required)
  • Work Preference: Prefers hybrid work environment, open to remote
  • Education:
    • B.S. Software Engineering - University of California, San Diego (Sep 2014 – Jun 2018)
    • Full Stack Web Development Certificate - Coding Bootcamp, UC Berkeley Extension (Jan 2019 – Dec 2019)

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